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[스크랩] 가톨릭 기도문 (종합)

by scope 2011. 4. 7.


























PAGE_COUNT) return; // Set current page of comments to global variable. var cdepth; if(CPAGE < p){ cdepth = L_CDEPTH; }else{ cdepth = F_CDEPTH; } var url = "/_c21_/bbs_read"; var pars = "grpid=6o" + "&mgrpid=" + "&fldid=pJ" + "&contentval=0041szzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" + "&datanum=15492" + "&ajax=1" + "&cpage=" + CPAGE + "&tpage=" + p + "&cdepth="+ cdepth; // It should be a 'GET' method. Ajax.Updater( 'commentPagingDiv', url, { method: 'get', parameters: pars, onComplete: function(req) { CPAGE = p; L_CDEPTH = document.getElementById("l_cdepth").value; F_CDEPTH = document.getElementById("f_cdepth").value; N_CDEPTH = document.getElementById("n_cdepth").value; } } ); } function openwinTexticon() { window.open('http://cafe.daum.net/_texticon/pop_texticon.html', 'texticon_help', 'width=340,height=410,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,'); } function AppendShortCommentAjax(parseq) { cmtinfo("grpid=6o&mgrpid=&fldid=pJ&contentval=0041szzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz&datanum=15492&parseq=" + parseq); var f = document.bbsForm; var emocode = f.emoticon.value; if (emocode == null || emocode=="" && g_emoticon!=-1){ emocode = g_emoticon; } if (emocode == "" || typeof(emocode) == "undefined" || emocode == -1) { emocode = "01"; } var texticonyn = "" if (parseq == 0) { // 댓글의 댓글이 아님. comment = $("comment_view").value; if ( f.texticonyn.checked ) { texticonyn = "Y"; } } else { comment = document.getElementById("commentReplyText_" + parseq).value; if ( document.getElementById("texticonyn_" + parseq).checked ) { texticonyn = "Y"; } } if ( null == comment || "" == comment ) { alert( "내용을 입력하신 뒤 등록버튼을 눌러주세요." ); document.bbsForm.comment_view.focus(); return; } if ( comment.length >
출처 : 가톨릭동호회
글쓴이 : 보라빛 원글보기
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